Terms and Conditions

To use or when use our product ( physical or digital or any ) you must agree with our below mentioned terms and conditions

We do our best to provide quality result but user can not claim anything more than present quality of product. We respect users privacy and data but these data can be used to improve our product and data privacy are up to us, we never sell users data to third parties. By using our product, user bound to shear their diagnostic data with us. we may shear user data with governments or any government agencies, if they want. We never track user but we may track user, if governments issue notice.

We are not giving any guarantee or warranty of our product quality or expiry. It is completely up to us that how we process user data.

We may collect any data to improve our product but not for third parties . We are not responsible for any violence or crime, if our product directly or indirectly involves in it. We are not responsible if someone affected by our product.